Activity 6 Rhyming Words
Rhyming words are words that have similar end sounds, example cheese – please, moon – broom.
Use some words from the story and find words to rhyme. The child may make up his/her own words to rhyme. It does not matter if it’s a made-up word as long as the child demonstrates understanding of the concept. If the child cannot come up with appropriate words, you can say this is not quite a word but I see you get the idea. How about scream rhymes with cream.
Later you can come up with your own rhyming poem.
Moon plum apple Sun leaf cake Tree cheese cream
Cocoon egg pickle
The caterpillar went to the moon
And said I will be back soon
the butterfly went to the sun
and said he had so much fun
the caterpillar made it to the tree
and said I am free.