Activity 10  (1) Pre Writing  (do only one activity each time)

Create dot to dot for the child to connect with crayon or a large pencil. This helps the child to keep the hand steady and improve motor control.

Continue to work with the same letters to consolidate what the child knows. Use sand, flour, rice, oatmeal on a plate or tray and allow the child to trace letters. When tracing letters, demonstrate the correct direction as below.  Put arrows on the letters so that the child can follow the correct letter formation.

Activity 10 (2)

You can make textured letters by using sand paper, rice, peas, sand or any safe textured material.  This provides the child with sensory memory of the letters. Demonstrate how to trace the letter using the index and middle finger together whilst saying the letter sound. Allow the child to practice.

Activity 10 (3)

The child can use playdough to form letters. Provide the child with letter template if he/she has not mastered the letter.

It may be helpful to note the letters that your child already knows the names and sound of.  Then focus on the letters the child has not mastered.




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